"Give your gifts in secret, and your Father, who knows all secrets, will reward you." -- Matthew 6:4
Have you ever been given a gift and it felt like it had conditions attached to it? Or have you ever given a gift and found yourself checking (subconsciously of course) to see if the person is using it? These are all conditional gifts. We attach conditions to them. Our actions seem to say, "If you love me, and my gift, you will display it proudly and never give it away!"
I have known a few unconditional gift givers in my life. My husband's parents were among them. I remember one instance in which they gathered their children and grandchildren in one room and presented each and every person with the gift of money. They looked around the room and said, "This is a gift. We don't care what you do with it. In fact, don't even tell us." And they kept their word. Never once was there an inquiry as to the use of the funds. I want to be that kind of giver.
Our Heavenly Father is the best giver of all. And in Matthew 6:4, He instructs us to give gifts in secret. Maybe He knows our frame and our bent toward giving conditional gifts.
Today's Prayer: "God, Make me a giver just like you; a giver of unconditional gifts; a giver of secret gifts. Amen."