Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lessons From The Little Children

"And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 18:3

"We must unlearn everything we've been taught and become like little children." - Shawn Baker, Pastor, Oxford Church of God 

Lessons from the little children:

Little children trust their parents for provision. They don't worry where their next meal is coming from. When it's time to eat they just put a "demand" on the  provision.

Little children can fight on the playground over a ball and be best friends again in 5 minutes. They don't hold grudges.

Little children can throw a temper tantrum and say they hate their mommy, but when it's over they literally forget it happened!

Little children are not prejudiced. They embrace all of God's creation ... until adults tell them otherwise.

Little children are full of faith. They believe easily and do not doubt.

Today's prayer: "Lord, help me to unlearn the 'adult' habits that do not line up with your WORD. Teach me again how to become a little child. Amen."

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