It happened during worship this morning. As we were singing the line, "Everything that's in me praise the Lord," the phrase "this is a stick up" came floating toward me, seemingly out of nowhere, as I stood, hands raised high, worshiping the King. And I began to think about a stick up. Unlike the kind where a desperate person raises a gun to your head and demands your valuables, this one was as if the King of Kings was pointing all that He is -- all of His love -- straight toward my heart. This was a voluntary stick up. I wanted to give Him "everything that's in me." And then, to echo a line from Bob Hostetler's sermon, "What do you give to the God who has everything?" You give Him your thanks, with every breath that's in you. And if you missed the rest of his sermorn you truly missed a great blessing, for many people left this morning without their shoes. ;)